Soul Revolution is the title of the song made by Supre-fly. Super-fly is very famous singer and Soul Revolution is the theme song of World Cup 2010 in NHK. I love this song because it's very cool. The song, and her voice is cool too. When I first heard this song after the World Cup match, I looked for youtube. I found it but it was not a full version. I was so dissapointed. However, a week later, there came a full version of this song! Thank you to who uploaded .

I download this song and put it into my i-pod touch. I listen to this song whenever I go outside. Even in the train during I go to school. I also like the song called "My best of my life." This song is made by Super-fly too. Maybe, Super-fly is the best rock singer in Japan history. Her song is beautiful and cool and exciting. I hope Super-fly will make next World Cup's song too. Good luck Super-fly and Shiho!
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